Our scope of Delivery & Shipping services is cover Domestic and Overseas.
For Domestic Order, we use with JNE (jne.co.id). They provide three (3) kind of delivery services, Economical, Regular and Fast Service For Overseas Order, we use EMS Pos Indonesia (ems.posindonesia.co.id)
Your order will be proceed to delivery process within 24 hours after we received your payment confirmation in business working day (Monday-Friday on 08:00 am – 05:00 pm) Any payment confirmation received on weekend or public holiday or after office working hours, your order will be proceed to delivery process on next business day. For time different on Overseas Order, business working day and public holiday shall follow Indonesian’s time and conditions. Shipping Number shall be issued to you as an evidence that your order has been on shipping process in our 3rd party of shipping company and it shall be used to track your shipping status.
Tracking shipping status shall be performed by yourself through accessing our 3rd party of shipping company’s website as stated in clause B above. Please contact us if you have problems in tracking your shipping status.
Over weight fee (fee for weight exceed 1 Kg) shall be charge to you as stated in your order invoice For Overseas Order, tax and duty shall be charged to you and shall be excluded in your order invoice.